Sunday, February 24, 2008


This morning in class we were looking at John 6 basically the whole chapter. and the focus today was Jesus as the bread of life and the idea that only through eating his flesh and drinking his blood can we have eternal life. but something hit me today which went right along with Johns sermon in John 6:28-29 those that were listening asked Jesus what are the works that God requires? And his response is simply this. "The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent." thats it can it really be that simple? belief in Jesus as the one God has sent is all we are called to do. Abraham is called righteous because he believed. wow can it be that easy. i hope so

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Actually, the disciples asked "what must we DO TO DO the works of God?" They weren't asking him what God wants from them, they were asking what they need in order TO DO their works. The answer is.... BELIEVE that Jesus is the Son that God sent for us.